Rae’s Rules to Remember #41: Blogging Pet Peeves

So a lot of these things have been coming up recently and I just want to talk about the top 5 things that grind my gears as a blogger.

  • When you ask a question and someone reads it, likes it but doesn’t answer. 

This isn’t so much a pet peeve but something that happens often and I don’t get it lol. It usually happens when I post a This or That question. The whole point of it is to get peoples’ opinions so if you read the question and like the post, why not answer?

  • When people say they feel pressured to blog more.

I’m not saying I’m mad at these people. But what is causing you to feel pressure? 99% of the time, it’s because you’re comparing your blog to someone else’s and that’s not what this should be about. If you’re blogging as a hobby then it should be stress relieving, not stress inducing. So if you are feeling blogging pressures, read this (Rae’s Rules #18: Blogging Pressures and Such).

  • People who complain about Blog Memes

From what I’ve seen, most people that complain about them call them overrated and unnecessary. If you feel that way then you most certainly entitiled to your opinion, but here’s the thing. We aren’t forcing you to participate in them so if you don’t want to see them you have the option not to. As someone who hosts a blog meme I get really annoyed when people complain about it. Mine is super small and no where near as large as something like Top Ten Tuesday (which I think is great) but if people are choosing to do them (which they are) it’s their choice. A lot of people also tend to group all blog memes  into one category when actually a lot of them are really unique and don’t even fit into the category of their complaints. Someone even said that people who participate only do it because they don’t have original content to post. If that is the case, who are you to call them out? Maybe they’re new to blogging and working on stuff behind the scenes that you don’t know about? Or what if they – here’s a crazy idea – like doing them. Either way it’s not your decision to make so leave people alone and let them do what they choose on their personal blogs. If it bothers you that much. Don’t read the posts, its pretty simple.

  • Trolls

I will never understand why people go out of their way to start arguments with people that they don’t even know. Are you really that bored? Find something better to do with your time okay? (Actually this will just have to be a post of it’s own. Stay tuned)

  • People who can’t accept anyone else’s opnions

I guess these could also fall in the troll category in some cases…..If you make a discussion post, the point is to get people talking right? Okay, well you should know that not every single person who comes by your post will agree with you. If you can’t accept that, don’t write discussion posts. Just because someone is offering perspective, doesn’t mean that they’re “shutting you down” I know that I tend to have unpopular opinions. I have had wonderful conversations with people who didn’t agree with me. The key is being able to listen and respect differences in opinion.



About Bookmark Chronicles

Hi! I'm Rae. 26 Book Blogger. Booktuber. Gryffinclaw. Coffee & Tea Lover.
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33 Responses to Rae’s Rules to Remember #41: Blogging Pet Peeves

  1. kristianw84 says:

    Well said! I completely agree with you! I had a girl flip out once because I used an emoji in a comment on her page. She ended up writing this long blog post about how she doesn’t like emoji’s, and she just wants to go back to the days when people used proper grammar, and didn’t include stupid little emoji’s and how it makes people look less intelligent. I responded simply by saying. I am a highly intelligent individual who does use proper grammar, and I’m sorry for liking smiley faces. Ha ha! She could have simply just asked me not to comment with emoji’s on her post, I might have thought it was odd, but I’d respect her wishes. To each their own, right?! I just don’t think she needed to post a whole blog about an emoji in one simple comment.Anyway, yes we are all different, we all have things we like and don’t like, and if someone asks a question, you should take the time to respond!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. bambiquim says:

    I am guilty of occasionally liking without responding – generally because I mean to respond later, and then forget or miss the deadline (as in your This or That posts).

    My only problem with your discussion pet peeve is when the discussions become a bit too long. This happened in a discussion that I initiated in the comments of a post, which ultimately boiled down to a difference in opinion. I stated a couple of times that I respected the individual and his/her right to his/her opinion, but that my opinion differed. Sometimes, you have to just stop engaging, particularly when there is no “correct” answer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah the commenting one is just something that I noticed recently and isn’t much of a big deal. As far as discussions I disagree. I mean if someone posts a discussion post they clearly expect that people will engage. If you feel the conversation is too long as just someone who responded to the post that makes sense but not for the person who posted it. Also difference in opinion isn’t bad but if someone is posting a conversation piece they should know before hand that not everyone will agree with them and be able to handle it in a respectful way (which I’m sure that you do) but the person who makes the post should be able to do that as well. sometimes you have to agree to disagree

      Liked by 1 person

      • bambiquim says:

        Right. But when the discussion consists of repeating the same points over and over again, and you’ve stated that there is a difference of opinion that can’t be reconciled and you should agree to disagree, and the person you were discussing with just repeats their initial comments again, it’s no longer a discussion. It’s someone else trying to insist that you agree with them, and little can be gleaned from continuing.

        Although, I phrased my first comment poorly; sorry about that! I said something different from what I meant.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Still, those people shouldn’t make discussion posts then


      • bambiquim says:

        Oh, are you referring to the blog post itself? Hm… I guess. But I also think sometimes comment threads can get out of hand. Polite discussion is one thing, although, if irreconcilable differences can be cited for divorce, I see no reason why it can’t be cited as a reason to put a stop to a discussion that is going nowhere. Some comments go to a whole new level of awful, on the other hand (although that’s not what you’re discussing).

        I can’t even get a discussion started on my blog, though, so I can only reference what I have seen on the blogs of others.


      • Both. People who won’t listen to others definitely shouldnt make opinion posts but also if the conversation is becoming heated and no progress is being made then that person should also know to call it quits instead of adding fuel to the fire.


      • bambiquim says:

        It sounds like we’re getting at the same point here – Although I think you phrased it more succinctly. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. carlalouise89 says:

    Reblogged this on The Melodramatic Confessions of Carla Louise and commented:
    Some AWESOME points to keep in mind:
    I will never understand why people go out of their way to start arguments with people that they don’t even know. Are you really that bored? Find something better to do with your time okay? (Actually this will just have to be a post of it’s own. Stay tuned)

    People who can’t accept anyone else’s opnions
    I guess these could also fall in the troll category in some cases…..If you make a discussion post, the point is to get people talking right? Okay, well you should know that not every single person who comes by your post will agree with you. If you can’t accept that, don’t write discussion posts. Just because someone is offering perspective, doesn’t mean that they’re “shutting you down” I know that I tend to have unpopular opinions. I have had wonderful conversations with people who didn’t agree with me. The key is being able to listen and respect differences in opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. carlalouise89 says:

    Ooooh I can’t wait to read your troll post!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Those are awesome points! Tho it makes me a bit guilty as I don’t always respond to questions simply because I feel like what I have to say is not much! However, I would love people to respond back to me no matter how little. I guess it’s time for me to start responding! Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ariel Lynn says:

    Thank you so much for this post! As a new blogger, who has taken to doing mostly “memes” or “challenges” thus far, some of your points (2 & 3, specifically) made me feel much better about my current “blogging status.”

    I think that there are bound to be people who discourage others from doing what they see as “frivolous” activities on every Internet sharing site. It seems ridiculous to complain about it, though, b/c… hey, no one is making you look! But, I think that ties in directly to the troll issue, even if only in a slight way: some people see their time is best spent online by making others feel uncomfortable, question their decisions/opinions/statements/posts/etc. The latter has more to do w/the anonymity of the Internet making jerks feel fearless & like their speech has no repercussions, though.

    I’m going to check out your other post you linked to here right now! Can’t wait for your troll post too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! And honestly, if you’re having fun with the memes and challenges then keep doing them! I understand that some people can see them as pointless but who are they to tell others that they can’t or shouldn’t do them? The troll post has been posted! and I hope you like the other post as well! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ariel Lynn says:

        I like the distraction. I don’t see anything wrong w/the challenges or memes or tags or whatever. I still insert my own (wordy) self into ’em. 😉

        I’ll check the troll post out soon! Possibly tomorrow when the silly email notifications come in, depending on how verbose I am in commenting on stuff. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Laura Beth says:

    Thank you so much for this post, Rae!

    I got caught in the middle with a good friend and a troll on a Facebook post recently, and my friend defended me, and I realized right then that trolls are just like the one described in the “three billy goats gruff” story – Ugly, mean, bullies, and hiding behind their computers like the one does under the bridge. I do my best to ignore them.

    I’ll be eagerly reading your troll post next!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Brianna says:

    I agree with all of these pet peeves! I don’t understand why people will like a post but never respond…oh well. One of my personal pet peeves, and to each their own, is when multiple pieces of writing starts with “Hey Guys! So…” Or starts with “sorry I’ve been not posting recently…”. I totally undertand why you would want to have a piece of writing about why maybe you’ve been away without blogging, but when it’s on almost evey post…it can get to be too much for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: August Wrap Up! 2016 | bookmarkchronicles

  10. Pingback: Rae’s Rules to Remember #59: Blogging Pet Peeves Part 2 | bookmarkchronicles

  11. Pingback: Rae’s Rules to Remember #63: Blogging Pet Peeves Part 3 | bookmarkchronicles

  12. dbsgirl says:

    Sorry, this is from ages ago – but I wanted to see what other terrible faux pas I may have been committing!

    #1 Oh. my. god. yes. I want to strangle people (figuratively of course). Why bother liking if you don’t answer???

    #2 I am a culprit of feeling the need to blog more but I’m working on it 🙂

    #3 & 4 Memes and Trolls – Yes. Yes. Yes. If you don’t like memes, look at another blog. And if you don’t like the blog than eff off!

    #6 People not respecting others’ opinions. Yep. I’d like to add some comment related to the their political party, but I will restrain myself.

    Thanks for these, they’re fun!

    (Have I done a long pointless reply?)

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Rae’s Rules to Remember #66: Stop apologizing to your readers | bookmarkchronicles

  14. Pingback: Rae’s Rules to Remember #68: Blogging Pet Peeves Part 4 | bookmarkchronicles

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