Day 8 – Most overrated book

Some people might get mad at me for this but oh well. I choose The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.


Yes I read the book and watched the movie. Cried while doing both. However, nothing really happens. Sure, they go on an adventure and at first you expect Hazel to die first but she doesn’t. Other than that it just ends with her grieving.

The real reason that I hate hearing about this book is because everyone complains about how it’s “the saddest thing they’ve ever read” and claim to be so affected by it. Well if reading this book/watching this movie is the saddest thing you’ve ever had to deal with, then try living through a situation like this. Yes, it is sad, but it is just a book. The characters aren’t real and your life will go on. When you actually lose someone to cancer your life still goes on even if you wish that time could stand still for just a second. Even if you wish that you could take a few minutes to process it, you’ve gotta pick up the pieces and keep moving.

Watching a movie isn’t the same as watching someone close to you slip away. Reading a book is not the same as feeling like your entire world has been flipped upside down, and will never be right again. Every time I hear someone talk about how “great” this book/movie is, I feel that all over again.

So unless you really know what that feels like, don’t act like you do just because you read this book.

About Bookmark Chronicles

Hi! I'm Rae. 26 Book Blogger. Booktuber. Gryffinclaw. Coffee & Tea Lover.
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6 Responses to Day 8 – Most overrated book

  1. I have wanted to read this book because a lot of people said it is good and sad but after reading your review I don’t think I want to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Other than my personal feeling toward this book, I kind of think that John Green isn’t such a great author. Just like the end of Fault in Our Stars, the ending of Paper Towns was boring and nothing gets resolved


  2. Thank you for your opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

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  5. Pingback: Author Review: John Green | bookmarkchronicles

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