Harry Potter Month: 11 days away

Hi friends!

As July approaches, just a reminder that Harry Potter Month here at Bookmark Chronicles is coming up. During this time I will be rereading the series, watching the movies, finally taking the Pottermore test, and doing a 30 day HP blogging challenge! You’re welcome to join me if you’d like 🙂


About Bookmark Chronicles

Hi! I'm Rae. 26 Book Blogger. Booktuber. Gryffinclaw. Coffee & Tea Lover.
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11 Responses to Harry Potter Month: 11 days away

  1. awayinneverland says:

    Sounds like fun!! I’ve already started my yearly reread but I may have to join you for the last 2 books and the movies!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. carlalouise89 says:

    I love the HP series, but I will finish it in way under a month if I do it. Is that cool?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Uh oh, I know what I am going to be seeing all month in July now,lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: June Wrap Up! 2016 | bookmarkchronicles

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