This or That? #75

For anyone who needs a reminder or is new to the Bookmark Chronicles, here are the rules: Every Monday I will post a This or That Challenge where we will choose between two characters or scenarios. On Friday we will see which scenario/character wins. Feel free to either comment your choice below or make your own post and link it back here! :)

By no means do you have to feel obligated to do every single challenge, but I would love to hear all of your opinions! If you can only really talk about one scenario then go for it. Also, if you have any suggestions or would like to write a guest post about any of the This or That? topics let me know!

This week I want to know…

Do you buy most of your books brand new or used?

Most of mine are used.

If I buy brand new books I get them from Barnes and Noble or Amazon. But, I could spend $16 there on just one book and get 4 books for that same amount elsewhere.

In the past year, I have gotten the majority of my books from (most books are $4 and free shipping in the U.S.), a booksale at a local library (paperback $1.50/ hard cover $2), or books shops where they get most books by donation (most are sold for half off).

Even though they’ve been used they’ve all been in great condition which is pretty important in my opinion.

What about you? Where do you get your books from? Are they new or used? Let me know!


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Hi! I'm Rae. 26 Book Blogger. Booktuber. Gryffinclaw. Coffee & Tea Lover.
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15 Responses to This or That? #75

  1. I feel like it’s a bit of a mix for me? If there’s a brand new book that I have to put my hands on, then, yeah, I’ll go to one of my local bookshops and pick it up, but for things that aren’t so pressing, I like to go on Book Outlet and get those “damaged” books for $3 haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: This or That – Journey into Books

  3. I would say that it’s a mix. I usually buy books from Amazon or if I’m lucky to go Barnes and Noble (it’s far away for me). But, I’ve also gotten great deals on books that are in great condition from Goodwill, Amazon, and Thriftbooks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nickimags says:

    Mostly used or going cheap in a book shop. I got a new book for 53pence in the Waterstones sale yesterday. I also use my local library regularly, so even cheaper. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Quinn says:

    Ever since I got my ereader, I read all my paperbacks on that. The only physical books I buy now (and I type that as if it’s just a few books here and there, but it’s actually a bit of an addiction) are hardcover, beautiful books that are either new books about art and illustration, or second-hand leather bound volumes of favourite books. I love well-used books. In particular I love well-used, well-loved, children’s books!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ariel Lynn says:

    Tough one! I usually get my books from Amazon (where the new books are cheaper than brick & mortar stores, obviously). I buy “new” most of the time when I can’t see if they’ve been underlined/highlighted (Huge pet peeve).

    But, I love used books. I used to get most of my books from a site called “Swaptree” (now it’s gone 😥 ), where I could trade books I’d already read for books I wanted. All it cost was the postage. I miss that site.

    I’ll have to check out Thriftbook! Thanks for the tip! 🙂

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  7. Pingback: This or That? #75 | Lolsys Library

  8. Pingback: This or That Thursday: New or Used? – paradisbooks

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