Fighting the Mental Health Stigma on College Campuses

I didn’t realize that there was such a huge stigma around mental health until I got to college. It was almost as if everyone believed that if you had any sort of mental health issue, it meant that there was something wrong with you or that you had something to be ashamed of.

This is not true.

What people fail to realize is that everyone has to take care of themselves mentally. Just as they do physically, emotionally, socially, etc.  Your mental health can be affected in a million different ways, especially in college. You’re starting the next chapter of your life and that’s a big deal. It can also be scary. It’s okay to be scared! In fact, it’s normal and much more common than people realize.

Every single person that I know (and that you know) has dealt with some sort anxiety. But it’s important to remember that only ever feeling anxious before an exam is much different from having anxiety every day. It’s also important to know that it’s possible for someone close to you have high functioning anxiety or depression and you may never know unless they tell you. Whichever category someone falls into, going to college could set off triggers that they didn’t even know they had. Some of the most common ones (at least at my university) include:

Homesickness – Some students leave home for the first time when they go to college. It’s not always easy to go from seeing your family every day to only every few months. It’s also hard to be away from home when family member is dealing with health issues, and you want to be there for support or you’re worried about them.

Overwhelming course load – College is different from high school. Some professors will ask you to read over 100 pages for one night. Some will make you write every day. It really depends on your major and the courses that you take, but it can be a lot to take in.

Peer pressure – This is always something that I talk to my freshmen about. A lot of people when they first get to college, want to go out and drink and party. That’s okay, but if it’s not your thing then you don’t have to. A lot of people think, well if my roommate or friend invites me to a party then I have to go. No you don’t. You can if you want to and if you don’t like it you can leave early. A lot of people also feel pressure to drink. If you don’t want to drink before you’re 21 then don’t. A real friend – a good friend – won’t force it on you or tell you you’re “no fun.” They’ll ask if you’re sure and then accept it.

Uncertainty – Not everyone starts college knowing their major and what they want to do with their life. And if you do (that’s great!) but, it is still possible that you’ll change your mind (I did). That’s okay! It happens a lot actually. It’s also possible that you won’t follow a typical two or four year path (even if you do have a plan ahead of time). Between switching majors, finding your career path, and sometimes having to add an extra year or semester, uncertainty is a part of the college process. Maybe not for everyone, but it’s definitely not uncommon.

All of these things can either cause anxiety or make it worse. It can be difficult to deal with, but at the end of the day you have to remember to take care of yourself. Of course, that isn’t always easy and sometimes you may feel like giving up. When you get to that point, find someone to talk to. Friend, parents, roommate, academic advisor, counselor, whomever you are comfortable talking to. Once you find that person, together you can figure out the best steps that will help you cope.

At my university the counseling center was called CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services. If students were having a rough time and someone suggested CAPS to them, their immediate response was, “I don’t need to go there. I’m not crazy.” This comment, is one of the biggest problems. It pisses me off every time I hear it. Mental health issues are not synonymous with crazy. EVER. But so many people have no idea how to address mental health openly, that at the first mention of it they shut down. At the end of the day, what those people don’t realize is that it doesn’t matter if you understand. This is someone else’s life. You don’t get to judge just because you have different experiences. It doesn’t matter if you “get it” what matters is that you support them and still treat them with respect that they deserve.

I was having a conversation with a friend on Twitter the other day and apparently there’s also a negative stigma around the phrase “taking a mental health day.” Supposedly, people are under the impression that this means calling in sick just for the hell of it. No. I don’t take a mental health day to be lazy. I do it because I’m overwhelmed, stressed, and need to reorganize my life, because if I don’t I might have a breakdown. I like to keep busy and stay organized so that’s what my mental health day looks like. I use the entire day to cath up and then get ahead. Other people may use this day to relax themselves in different ways; going to a spa, catching up on sleep, running personal errands but staying away from work things. Whatever your mental health day may look like, it serves a purpose. In college, it is really important to have these days to prevent burnout when you have a lot on your plate. By the end of your mental health day you should feel refreshed and ready to face whatever you have ahead of you.

So what did I do about all of this?

I was already a student leader and an RA so I was trained on dealing with mental health and suicide prevention. To get more involved I joined Active Minds: a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about mental health on campuses. Most universities have a chapter on their campus and if you don’t you can apply to start one. The two biggest events that we host are Stomping out Stigma and Send Suicide Packing. Stomping out Stigma includes writing down a myth about mental health on an empty soda can,\… and stomping on it! Send Suicide Packing happens once a year and we place 1,100 empty backpacks all over campus to acknowledge the amount of students lost to suicide every year. Aside from those two big events we also participated in the Wellness Fair and other small events that are for the purpose of educating students about all elements of wellness.

Hopefully, this post is helpful if you’re about to start college, currently in college or just needed to be reminded to put your health first. 🙂

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Hi! I'm Rae. 26 Book Blogger. Booktuber. Gryffinclaw. Coffee & Tea Lover.
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11 Responses to Fighting the Mental Health Stigma on College Campuses

  1. This is a GREAT post, Rae! I struggled with anxiety in college (especially after Freshman year). It was really hard to get through class and while sometimes I had to skip some days or leave early, I managed to graduate with a B.A. I agree with what you said: when it become hard for you, you need to search for the resources to stay healthy and if you want, to stay in school. Thankfully I have someone who was willing to be there for me whenever I needed assistance and I’m so happy that they were. Also, I think it’s important to have friends that understand (or at least try) to understand what you’re going through. As you mentioned, college can be difficult as it is and if you have severe anxiety or other mental health issues, everything can seem much more difficult! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!

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  2. Reblogged this on Getting Through Anxiety and commented:
    Rae shares this fantastic post on attending college with mental health issues and how to be successful! Please check out her wonderful blog!

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